Main Musalman Kyun Hua Book !!BETTER!! Free
How I Became a Muslim: A Review of Mohsin Raza Farooqi's Book
Mohsin Raza Farooqi is a former Shia scholar who converted to Sunni Islam after studying the Quran and the history of Islam. His book, Main Musalman Kyun Hua (How I Became a Muslim), is a personal account of his journey from Shiaism to Islam. In this book, he explains the reasons why he left Shiaism and embraced the true teachings of Islam. He also exposes the falsehoods and contradictions of Shia beliefs and practices, such as the concept of Imamate, the infallibility of the Imams, the cursing of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the distortion of the Quran.
The book is divided into four parts. The first part deals with his background and upbringing as a Shia. He describes how he was born into a devout Shia family and how he became a Shia scholar and preacher. He also narrates some of his experiences with Shia scholars and leaders, such as Ayatollah Khomeini and Ayatollah Sistani. The second part covers his research and investigation into the Quran and the Sunnah. He explains how he discovered the authenticity and preservation of the Quran and how he realized that the Shia hadiths were fabricated and unreliable. He also discusses some of the major differences between Sunni and Shia interpretations of the Quran and the Sunnah. The third part focuses on his conversion to Islam and his challenges and struggles after leaving Shiaism. He recounts how he faced opposition and persecution from his family, friends, and community. He also shares some of his debates and dialogues with Shia scholars and laymen. The fourth part contains his advice and guidance for those who want to follow the truth and become Muslims.
The book is written in a simple and clear language, with references to Quranic verses, prophetic traditions, historical sources, and logical arguments. It is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about Islam and Shiaism, or who wants to understand the reasons why someone would leave Shiaism and embrace Islam. The book is available for free download from various websites, such as [^1^] or [^2^].
One of the most interesting aspects of the book is the author's analysis of the concept of Imamate, which is the cornerstone of Shia doctrine. According to Shiaism, the Imams are the divinely appointed successors of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who have the authority to interpret and legislate the religion. The Shia believe that there are twelve Imams, starting from Ali ibn Abi Talib (the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet) and ending with Muhammad al-Mahdi (the hidden Imam who will reappear at the end of times). The Shia also believe that the Imams are infallible, sinless, and possess supernatural knowledge and powers.
The author refutes this concept by showing that it has no basis in the Quran or the Sunnah. He proves that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) did not appoint anyone as his successor, but rather left the matter to the consensus of the Muslim community. He also demonstrates that the Imams were not infallible or sinless, but rather human beings who made mistakes and committed sins. He also exposes the contradictions and absurdities of the Shia claims about the Imams, such as their occultation, their miracles, and their intercession.
Another important aspect of the book is the author's critique of the Shia attitude towards the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Shia have a negative view of most of the companions, especially those who became caliphs after the Prophet's death, such as Abu Bakr, Umar, and Uthman. The Shia accuse them of usurping Ali's right to leadership, oppressing his family, and corrupting the religion. The Shia also curse and insult them in their rituals and gatherings.
The author condemns this attitude as a violation of the Quran and the Sunnah. He shows that the companions were the best generation of Muslims, who loved and supported the Prophet (peace be upon him), who sacrificed their lives and wealth for Islam, and who preserved and transmitted the Quran and the Sunnah. He also proves that the companions were loyal and respectful to Ali, and that Ali was loyal and respectful to them. He also clarifies some of the misconceptions and allegations that the Shia have about some of the events in Islamic history, such as the caliphate, the battle of Siffin, and the arbitration. 061ffe29dd